Lots of people get trapped thinking they have to start a money savings challenge in January because that’s when everyone does New Year’s Resolutions, but you can start saving today. If you find yourself slow to start but eager for results, you’re going to love our list of ideas for your next money saving challenge. […]
One of my favorite frugal living hacks is food-shaped food and one specific frugal living tip is to eat chia seeds. Chia seeds are gluten-free and may be consumed by celiac patients, according to National Library of Medicine. How to Eat Chia Seeds Chia Water Recipe Chia Water with Lemon Benefits Chia water with lemon […]
Fancy meeting you here. Wondering how to stop spending money on ADHD, too are we? Here are a few steps to take to figure out how to spend less. How to Stop Spending Money Adhd Version Usher the Sale Know you’re going to buy something? Feeling that burning desire to purchase? Buy something you need. […]
Writers are going to write and there’s not a lot of money in it so there’s debt blogging. Writing about personal finance can help you feel a part of something bigger than yourself even though what you’re working on is pretty personal. Humans are driven in four general directions and fitting in is one of […]