Why do some blogs have a very long URL with the date included? How do I shorten url on WordPress? Some blogs are so easy to remember. I woke up wondering how to change my blog URL on WordPress.
A slow drum of anxiety about my urls being too long is meandering in and out of my consciousness with the patter of the rain on the roof, and just like that —
My morning dreams are interrupted by a mongrel.
A wet dog.
She escaped the enclosure and showed up happy but sad and wet and whining on my front porch.
I let it in, toweled it off, and now my coffee is cold.
Since I’m a writer now, I have to write blogs. That’s what we do. It’s like … the only way to write a book is to write a bunch of blogs first so that you can build up an audience so that when you release a book, you’ll be able to write a blog about it, letting you know that “the book is released.”
This mongrel is pretty cute, but mostly wet. Bites a little. Puppy dog eyes. Whines. Knows how to sit, but mostly does it for the treat. It’s the neighbor’s pooch. (We know them.) Do you know your neighbors? When I owned a Christmas Lighting Business in Denver, I learned that most of our clients didn’t know their neighbors. A few, but for the most part, I was doing the informing. “Do you know Sarah? She’s delightful. I bet you guys would get along great at a backyard bbq!”
I gave myself permission to write without thinking too much about perfection. But you know what would make my blog a little closer to perfect? If I didn’t have the long date with slashes in my URL.
There must be a way to change that.
There is.
I didn’t even have to go to Youtube University to learn about this. Just a quick Google did the trick.
We don’t need the default URL with the date. We’re not archiving news articles here. Just the name will do.
1. Log into your WordPress Dashboard.
2. Click the “Settings” Link on the Menu to the left.
3. Click on “Permalinks”
4. Save your draft if you’re writing this from the Quick-draft section, or else you’ll be writing it again.
5. Change the selected option from the default “Day and name” to the 5th option “Post name”
6. Save!
Since I’m starting a new blog, with just a few funny posts I’m allowing myself to write in order to “jump in there” and see what’s up, this is all I need.
I’m ready to try something new every month for blogging and then check back in a year and see what I can change to make more connections. If you need inspiration, check out my program banner here:
If you have lots of blogs, you may need to do a little more. Check out this WordPress blog about removing the date from your blog posts here for even more information:
Now that I’ve got that handled, I’m ready to get on to step two. Which for me, is to make my way toward having authored 144 blogs. Why? It’s a lot. And that’s how many I need to establish authority.
Wow. I just, for the first time in my life, identified Authority and Author as having come from the same root.
Here’s another blog I wrote about how to organize blog posts.
K, thx bye!
See ya!
Do do! Be Dobedo.
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