Twice-monthly under a cotton candy sky, a girl named Daisy types in a new-fangled notebook re: trying something new. Sign up to read— 1st nudge free.
Email is boring, but this one's not.
We write to tickle your curiosity. Trying is good for your health. Better than writing a list & calling it a gratitude practice.
Lines on a chalkboard didn't revive Bart Simpson's trust in the human race, & a list won't do it for you either.
Gratitude is not about blue skies
/or/ rainbows.
It's all humans helping humans.
It's a @hubermanlab idea based in neuroscience. We'll email you the info when you sign up to try it out below.
What Makes you curious?
Oh, but Darling, You don't Understand ... I can't ... I'm
Juice not worth the squeeze right now? Try to reiterate. You, but better. Maybe chuck the whole manuscript and do over.
Skating past 60 may not be your goal, but none of us get out of here alive, so we might as well just ... keep on ... livin ... man.
By society, by yourself, by chance ... by circumstance /or/ ... by an abuser, or a pet. By parents, kids or health. It sucks dirt up a straw.
“Opportunity dances
with those ALREADY ON
the dance floor.”
— H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Can you hear the music? What's happening when you feel alive? Do bad new bears affect your mindset? Is my grass green?
Does dancing make you happier or let out joy? Does not doing the thing mean I have no will? Can you hear that drumming?
The warmth of the sun on your face. The coolness of a simple breeze. Big belly breath in. Exhale life's poopy vibes. Be still.
The only email in your box written to rev you up.
When we listen to stories together as humans, our heartbeats regulate as a group. Sitting around a campfire, or across the internet, the same story read by different humans will bring heart beats closer in sync.
Trying is good for our health, like humor. Curiosity does not just kill the cat, but also helps humans live longer. Laughter is medicine, & that's one reason we aim to make you smile.
To try something new. We made this program to harness the power of our own curiosity. Maybe you don't have time to try today. We help make it trying fun & easy. Try to Try. That's the whole game. The perspective.
The sell. The angle of our dangle.
We reference others' work—stories, creativity & songs. We introduce you to radical humans. We give you a cold plunge into science-y truths & a hot soak in human gratitude.
We want you to try it both ways.
No Need For Nerves Here
Too old, too young, too stupid, too smart. Privileged, trapped, alone, or unable to find solace. Bullshit your bird brain brought back to the nest.
A friggin kumbaya session right in your inbox. We're going to tell you a story. Not a vlog about our vacation (Bo-RING!) ... A little substance, please.
Take the stairs. Open the enchanted door. Chase the waterfall. Nap in the secret garden. You're dead if you don't & you're a daisy if you do.
You'll have found an activity that sets your f*ckin soul on fire
like that iG audio says ...
1st grade teach gave out poetic licenses & permission to use the english language as we wishy wish.
Sign up now for regular reminders + more & more permission. Life's a game we can't stop playing. Let's play hard.
We tell stories about humans trying stuff. Woah-men, mostly.
Also why & how & when & with whom & what we might try.
Try to try & try again. That's the message. Welcome, human.
you're in the right place.
Bam! Did you see that?
3 SECRETS TO A MORE Fulfilling Inbox
Punch buggy yellow, no punch back! Life is fun if you look for the intrigue or you can just keep refreshing gmail for another 20% off must buy now ad.
Player's choice. Also, it's $27.
I found something to write about + something to do with my extra attention.
Somewhere to go + people to get to know.
Dobedo is displayed on a Tonic Site Shop template. It is a thing that you can have, too. Jen Olmstead is world class, as is her partner in design & the lovely humans they've chosen for their proverbial game of internet kickball. Known for hitting internet home runs with service, product, and even marketing. Tonic's success is joyful to affiliate with.
- Dobedo
“I didn't think it would be worth it. It was. I didn't think it would work for me. It did. I didn't think I'd be *that* success story. I am. ”
Lorem ipsum dolor amet pickled roof party artisan cray organic. Succulents cloud bread food truck glossier cardigan celiac vegan dreamcatcher selfies neutra forage. Street art biodiesel echo park man braid banjo YOLO. Pork belly everyday carry keytar biodiesel, letterpress ennui shoreditch vegan.
Shall we dance? ... Do you dance?
Hey, Hi. Howdy.
I'm Daisy.
Author of your
new favorite email.
*curtsies* ... I sit down twice-monthly to tippy-type my rambunctious thoughts for your pleasure. Compiling notes & anecdotes from the internet to swirl around a few curiosities. I write to entertain myself at your expense. (Spoiler Alert —
It cost $27 for 24 emails.)
People say it's fun. Want to dance?
This program includes everything you need to try new things
Try Something NEw is
Look, we all get stuck in a rut of boring ourselves. Trying is just applying your attention to learn about what's tickling your daydreams. All we provide is the repetition you need to succeed. Your spark is already inside. We came to try it.
you need
to stop the bore.
Okay, yeah. I have day dreams. But I'm scared.
Need a little nudge to try out curiosity again?
Let's let the cat out of the bag and go out exploring again. We & They could use a new friend, a new smile, a new confidant.
A decade ago, we learned to make resolutions we love to keep. Try Something New Every Month was our 3rd successful resolution of adulthood. We found two activities we still do!
That's our dream for you, too. Just a little something new to do.
We sell "Try" not "buy"
Try Something New Every Month is the only curiosity-driven email showing up for you in your box.
Dobedo's email is a hammock swaying in the breeze. A quick pick me up from a lackluster daze. An enchanted door left ajar. A garden beyond the bend. It's a dog watching a sunset. A biting fish.
A monarch on your nose. A child dancing with the birds. A little reminder that life is precious-af & we're alive to make the most of it, dammit.
Dobedo's twice-monthy email is full of grace & a little bit nudgey. We want you to want us & to want you, too. Let's try something.
Just keep trying...
Have you ever heard that when an elephant looks at a human—>>
they think we're "cute"? Like how we feel when we see a puppy stumble. So cute— like a wittle baaaaaby.
Our emails put on a little show for you to view from your comfort zone. We wiggle and laugh and you can watch us like a cat from beneath the forsythia bush.
Satisfaction brought it back, you know? The cat. Went off chasing waterfalls & everything was fine. Developed a liking to climbing rocks & a passion for acai.
Have you seen a cool rock lately?
Get your money back if it didn’t serve you.
Try NOW Trial
For about the price of a couple sandwiches, you're getting 24 reminders to try something new for yourself. It's not a constant stream of sales like most emails. But if you hate it? Lettuce know. We'll give you back your dough. Try buying a salad instead.
money back guarantee
Connect with people trying
A group space to collaborate
Try some human connection
Two way convos (+$12 extra)
12 Extra Doll Hairs
One way street
Repeated nudges to try again
Stories of humans being rad
Neuroscience of trying things
24 nudges in your email ($27)
1 Payment of $27
How Much This Program Costs
Number of Times We Show Up For You
Number of Podcast Episode Sponsor Ads
The Year My Mom Graduated HS
Why would I pay for an email?
Because it's worth a damn. Also, you won't get as much out of it, if it's free— so we charge. It's science. Neuroscience. Paying is the only way you'll care. We didn't make this up. It just is. We charge up front so we don't have to spend a year getting you ready to buy from us. We'd rather spend a year trying to get you to try stuff. That's our thing. The spiel. The sell. The call to action. Twice-monthly in your box: Try Now.
What's inside the email?
Stories + Links. Like the best story I ever heard— about an old man that shit himself at the museum. We aim to create a delicious fried onion blossom of fun facts & anecdotes about people being good to people & trying curious things. We show you the foyer of a few rabbit holes. We link out for reference & clarity. We use our poetic license, tickle your fancy, check it twice on Grammarly & rev you up with a good ole story.
When do I get it?
You'll get our sweet ass slippery little email twice-monthly. Dobedo's signature product— the Try Something New Every Month email program, is a gentle nudge towards the light.
A friend inside the internet giving you a little booty-bump towards that new thing you're thinking about. That's me. I'm Daisy. I write the best email in your box to remind you to try stuff that's pretty good for you.
A new hobby. An old love. Build a thing up. Break it down. Photograph your pet. Send a note to an old friend. Celebrate grief. Sing in the street. Stay in business. Color without regard to lines. Disrupt flow.