8 Things to Know About Using your Tonic Template. You’re going to use your website template from Tonic on Showit. Once you get some practice I think you’ll find the interface manageable and nice to use. Here are some things to know about the next phase of your website building:
Each page in your ShowIt website has a little toggle for publishing. By default, it is set to on, but if you’re working on a page, you can switch the toggle for publish and it will be “sleeping”.
*screenshot Aug 9 309
Here you can see that my contact page and write with me page are live via the paper icon and the 500-words page is sleeping. I created a page with about 500 words that I can make copies of for informational pages because any page that you want to rank for needs to have about 500 words. Less, but if I get bored going to 500, I might still rank. #knowthyself 😉
After purchasing your Tonic Template, you can use it a bunch of times. At first, I was afraid to change anything but the words. I thought it would self-destruct or something. But you can always go back to your ShowIt Library and add another page. So you could add the same Lillet Blanc sales page 5 times in a row, delete a bunch of canvasses, and have a 5 page website format with 5 different page setups that all feel familiar.
Tonic’s not gonna be mad when I tell my people they’re probably going to have to do the whole site at least 2 or 7 times. So just get started. Yes, you can really delete the pages that say delete. Crazy I know.
Twice a year, Tonic throws a work-party where you get to see you’re not alone. There are other people using Tonic and ShowIt and wondering if they could make a move or start a blog or sell a product.
You get to sit in a cool Slack Club and have Zoom meetings with happy people teaching copy, design, and imagery must-knows.
You can make a copy of any canvas. From your whole library if you went ham and bought 3 templates like I did. (#stillnotsorry) (#ihavesomanycanvases)
When you have a peice of your site you’ll want on two or three pages, you can set it to a site canvass. Then you only have to change the one canvass and it will reflect on every page that you have that canvass set to.
Example: The footer is likely the same on all pages. When you set it to a site canvass, you only have to change the url in one place, if you add a new item to the footer menu navigation.
ShowIt is perfect for SEO because the size of the text doesn’t dictate the heading size.
Example: On Shopify, the H1 is the Title. And if we’re going for SEO, we want the H1 to be the most-likely-searched term. But it’s likely not very pretty. The most-likely-searched name for an item will be utilitarian, not adorable.
On ShowIt, you can say something like Goodles does —>> THIS IS HUGE in very big writing, but tell the google bots that “macaroni and cheese” is the h1, even the text of macaroni and cheese is small like regular paragraph text.
You can specifically change every part of the text on screen to whatever H you need it to be, instead of confusing the googlebots. Yes I do understand that’s confusing. I’ll link to more SEO posts when we move to that season.
Jen just sounds so confident when she says 3500 on the long side, I pretty much go with it. But I asked anyway. ShowIt always answers, which is half the reason I ask. So it was pretty easy to confirm 3500 is best because ShowIt resizes the photo for the device and it all starts with 3500 on the long side!
Just a few tips for Using your Tonic Site Shop Template in ShowIt!
My favorite: Toggle off the Publish for individual pages before going life. And also ..Duplicate will save you!
Not ready for a new website? Try the Social Media templates!
You’ve got it. Get in there.
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