That’s my system for making my little internet loop di loop.
Flodesk is my forms and my email service provider. ShowIt is my website host.
The number one reason I choose this loop is because of customer service.
Showit answers the chat bubble every time I need them. So does Tonic.
Here are some other basic reasons I use this little tech stack for my little loop di loop.
ShowIt wins because Tonic loves them and Tonic loves ShowIt because they answer their chat bubble. ShowIt always answers the chat bubble! In a world of horrible customer service, sometimes that’s all you need to stay on top! ShowIt usually responds not just with a human but also with a blog post. It’s like every time there’s a question from a customer— they just make a blog post about it!
And now they have a whole knowledge management system that keeps everyone moving and grooving.
So it’s pretty easy to answer the chat bubble! Go, ShowIt.
Function-wise, it’s pretty similar to Squarespace. It’s really just that whole answering-the-chat bubble thing that’s helping them stick out here.
You can do a lot in ShowIt and I bet you could easily go through a whole year of trying something new every month just within the ShowIt platform.
Tonic is my website template. The bones of my website. The pretty little boxes I arrange my Website into. I’m not a designer, and I need help in this area. I’m a black letters on white background style of designer. A writer.
Tonic creates lovely websites that you can customize to your heart’s content. I have two and my website is a mix of elements from both.
Here’s a blog post I wrote about using your tonic template if you’re looking for more on this.
Flodesk is my forms and my email service provider. Flodesk allows me to create a new segment when I have a new free product to give away and then to write the emails I need to send out with it.
Every Form gets attached to a segment. You can email all of your people or just some parts. Depends on what you’ve got going on.
One thing I love about Flodesk is that I can add my custom fonts. If I’m not using my custom fonts on my forms, then it won’t really be a cohesive experience visually. It would look like there’s just something out of place, right where I need people to get involved.
It’s pretty, too. I tend to like working in user interfaces with lots of white space.
For me, this is a match made in heaven. I blog on WordPress. And I suggest you do the same, unless you have a Shopify store. If you haven’t started blogging yet, start with Showit. They will make you a WordPress blog, and you can start writing & publishing blogs before you have your whole site up.
Happy blogging!
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